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Morel Cream Sauce

Sauce à la Crème aux Morilles

The cream sauce is ideal for coating a beef steak, accompanied by asparagus tagliatelle, covering poultry with yellow wine or even associated with white fish or scallops or other langoustines.

25g of dried morels  

1 shallot

20g butter

100 g fresh cream

1 glass of dry wine (optional)

A tsp of veal stock

1- Rehydrate the morels, in a bowl, covered with cold water overnight, or warm/hot water for 30-45 minutes.  Gather the  ingredients.


2- Once rehydrated, strain the soaking water into a saucepan, and boil to reduce by half. You can cut the larger morels lengthwise to evenly distribute the taste.


3- Sweat the minced shallots in butter and add the morels (2-3min). If desired, deglaze with the glass of wine  or alcohol of your choice.

Gradually add the reduced liquid(with a little bit of veal stock, depending on your recipe) and let reduce (you can keep a little liquid on the side to adjust the texture of the sauce at the end of cooking).

Pine Spruce Branches 6
Tree Trunk
Morille Sauvage

Tip : You can do all this the day before, turn off the heat, leave to infuse in the cream all night, then reheat just before your meal!  
And enjoy your meal !!!

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