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Chicken in a Creamy Wine Sauce with Morels

1 whole chicken, about 1.5 kg, cut into 8 pieces

375 to 500 ml of fresh cream

50-75 g dried morels

20 cl yellow wine or Chateau Chalon or Savagnin


1- Season the chicken pieces with salt and pepper and flour them very lightly.

3- With butter, brown the chicken in a frying pan without Burning it.

4- Cover and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat.

5-Deglaze with the wine,

6-add the morels, and some of their water, let reduce.

7-Add the cream.

8- -Let reduce and finish cooking without covering.

Serves 6-8

40 min.

Toasts with Morels

The morel toast is a traditional recipe from Franche-Comté, based on morels in a cream sauce, and served with toasted bread for dipping.

Veal with Cider and Morels

For 4 people


1.3 kg sautéed veal

25 g dried morels

4 shallots

2 cloves garlic

1 apple (chanteclerc)

1 tbsp neutral oil

25 cl whole liquid cream

75 cl sweet cider

salt and pepper.



In a casserole dish, brown the meat in hot oil, brown it on all sides.

Peel the apple and cut it into small cubes.

Peel the shallots and leave them whole.

Peel the garlic and mince it with a knife.

Add the apple, garlic and whole shallots to the casserole dish and add the morel mushroom water. Bring to a boil then pour the cider.

Salt and pepper.

Cook over low heat and covered for 2 hours 30 min. When the meat is cooked, remove the lid, Addthe morels. turn up the heat and evaporate almost all of the cooking juices (keep the equivalent of 25 cl). Add the cream and let thicken.


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